Opening Hours

George Clare Surgery

Day Opening hours
Thursday 13 February
8:30am to 12:30pm
1:30pm to 6pm
Friday 14 February
8:30am to 12:30pm
1:30pm to 6pm
Saturday 15 February
Sunday 16 February
Monday 17 February
8:30am to 12:30pm
1:30pm to 6pm
Tuesday 18 February
8:30am to 12:30pm
1:30pm to 6pm
Wednesday 19 February
8:30am to 12:30pm
1:30pm to 6pm

When We Are Closed

The out-of-hours emergency service is available by phoning NHS 111 (111 is a Freephone number).

The service normally operates as follows:

  • 18:30 – 08:00 Monday to Friday
  • 18:30 Friday night to 08:00 Monday morning
  • Public and Bank Holidays

If you need a doctor urgently, please ring 01354 695888 to be transferred to Urgent Care Cambridge.

Out-of-hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before asking to see a doctor and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.

In a genuine emergency, you should call 999. Chest pains and/or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.  

Staff Training Closure Dates


We are closed for staff training from 12.30pm until 8.30am the next day on the following dates:



Wednesday 21st June 2023

Wednesday 19th July 2023

Tuesday 19th September 2023

Thursday 19th October 2023

Wednesday 22nd November 2023



Tuesday 23rd Janurary 2024

Thursday 29th February 2024

Wednesday 27th March 2024

a group of people sitting in chairs

NHS 111

111 online is a fast and convenient alternative to the 111 phone service and provides an option for people who want to access 111 digitally. 

Your needs will be assessed and you will be given advice about whether you need:

  • Treat yourself at home
  • Go to a Primary Care Centre

If you need face to face medical attention you may be asked to attend a Primary Care Centre.

Click here to access NHS 111 online or call 111 to speak to a staff member.

Minor Illness and Injury Units (MIU)

Minor Illness and Injury Units can treat a range of minor illnesses and injuries such as sprains and strains, broken bones, minor burns and scalds, minor head and eye injuries, bites and stings. No appointment necessary, opening hours are as follows:

Peterborough MIIU

City Care Centre, Thorpe Road, Peterborough, PE3 6DB

Tel: 01733 847090

Monday – Sunday: 8am-8pm

Open seven days a week, including weekends and Bank Holidays


Princess of Wales Hospital, Lynn Road, Ely, CB6 1DN

Tel: 01353 656675

Monday – Friday: 8.30am-6pm

Saturday/Sunday: 8.30-6pm

Bank holidays: 8.30-6pm              

Doddington MIU

Doddington Community Hospital, Benwick Road, Doddington, PE15 0UG

Tel: 01354 637078

Monday – Friday: 8.30am-6pm

Saturday/Sunday: 9am-5pm

Bank holidays: 9am-5pm

Wisbech MIU

North Cambridgeshire Hospital, The Park, Wisbech, PE13 3AB

Tel: 01945 468787

Monday –Friday: 8.30-6pm

Saturday/Sunday: closed

Bank Holidays: closed


Click HERE for local opening hours.  Pharmacies can help with a range of things including aches, hangovers, colds, emergency contraception, and non-prescription medication.